Hvem vi er

Mød BANG! hold

Som teamet bag udviklingen af ​​dette projekt føler vi os utrolig heldige at have haft muligheden for at trække på vores forskellige perspektiver og baggrunde, hvilket i sidste ende har bragt meget innovativ tænkning og en omfattende forståelse af udfordringerne og mulighederne i uddannelse og ungdomsudvikling – og hvordan at skabe den forandring, vi ønsker at se på uddannelsesområdet.


KAOSPILOT er en berømt skole for kreativt lederskab og meningsfuldt entreprenørskab, der udstyrer nye ledere med færdigheder og mindset til at drive effektfuld forandring.

Siden 1991 har vi bemyndiget enkeltpersoner til at navigere i usikkerhed, udnytte deres kreativitet og forme fremtiden. Vores programmer fokuserer på at udvikle den viden, de færdigheder og de holdninger, der er nødvendige for, at ledere kan opfylde deres værdier og visioner. Gennem årene har vi uddannet tusindvis af lærere og pædagoger i ledelse gennem faglige kurser, skolebesøg og alumner, der arbejder i uddannelsessektoren.

Den store idé, Irland

The Big Idea er en profit for purpose-virksomhed med fokus på at inspirere og styrke eleverne til at tage fat på sociale problemer gennem kritisk tænkning og kreativ problemløsning.

The Big Idea har ekspertise inden for forskellige relevante områder, herunder designtænkning, iværksætteri, branding og uddannelse. The Big Idea’s mission is to democratise creative thinking for young people to empower them to create innovative solutions to the world’s biggest problems. The organisation operates nationally, with a focus on inclusion and providing free access to creative education for students, teachers, and schools. The Big Idea aims to create an equitable and diverse program that positively impacts students, teachers and communities.

POLIMI (Politecnico di Milano), Italy

POLIMI is a university renowned for its excellence in architecture, design, and engineering. It ranks 16th globally and 6th in Europe for engineering and technical universities.

With campuses in Milan and premises across Lombardy, the university offers innovative programs at all levels, attracting a diverse community of students from over 100 countries. Politecnico di Milano emphasises the integration of teaching and research, conducting strategic research in various fields. The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including laboratories for wind tunnel testing, crash tests, micro and nano production, and new design processes.

Secondary School of Agriculture and Forestry of Vikovci, Croatia

The Secondary School of Agriculture and Forestry of Vikovci, founded in 1946, is located in the town of Vinkovci, Croatia. The institution offers specialised education tailored to the agricultural and forestry sectors.

Students benefit from a range of training fields, including plant production, farming, cattle breeding, fruit and wine growing, floriculture, gardening, forestry, and agriculture machinery. The school’s commitment to ecological production and sustainable energy sources has earned it the status of an eco-school.

The Secondary School of Agriculture and Forestry Vinkovci actively engages in projects aimed at implementing new curricula, improving infrastructure (such as irrigation systems), and fostering entrepreneurship in agriculture.

5th Senior High School of Agrinio, Greece

The 5th Senior High School of Agrinio is a public, vibrant educational institution that emphasises academic excellence, technological proficiency, cultural awareness, and environmental consciousness, providing a well-rounded education for its students.

With a strong focus on technology, the school has actively participated in technology projects related to educational robotics and programming. It collaborates with the Hellenic Open University and offers programming classes and courses on microcontrollers like Arduino. The school actively participates in Comenius and Erasmus+ projects, as well as other cultural and environmental educational initiatives.